Avalon Joins Virginia Chamber of Commerce

Avalon Energy Services is proud to announce that we are now members of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. We also have joined the Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Executive Committee. As part of this group, we will contribute to the theory and practice of promoting business sustainability within Virginia. Whether in the form of systems and…

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Thank You to Our Healthcare Heroes

By Evelyn Teel The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered the way we live. It has proven devastating for many people’s health and, most tragically, taken the lives of far too many. Frontline healthcare workers have faced incredible hurdles, preparing for and treating coronavirus patients, and potentially risked their own health to do so. The fallout…

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Electricity and Rock: Still Not Friends

By Evelyn Teel In a previous blog post, we discussed findings from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) that the I-95 corridor is particularly at risk of grid outages in the event of a geomagnetic storm. You can read that blog post here: https://avalonenergy.us/2018/07/electricity-meet-rock/.  Further research has been conducted, and a new report from the USGS…

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Distributed Energy Resources Give You Options

By Evelyn Teel In the earliest days of electricity, generation happened close to where the electricity was used. A small hydro facility might have been used to power a single factory, or a coal-fired generator might have electrified a small town. As demand for electricity grew and we developed the capability to move it over…

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For Baseload Energy with No Carbon Emissions, Look (Way) Down

By Evelyn Teel When discussing renewable energy, the conversation often revolves around wind and solar. These are very visible energy sources – we often see solar panels in our neighborhoods or wind turbines on hilltops. However, there are many other types of renewable energy resources operating or being developed around the world.  As we try…

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Welcome Back to 1976

By Evelyn Teel and Jim McDonnell Our last blog post discussed the trend of decreasing natural gas prices in the 2010s (please find that blog post at this link: https://avalonenergy.us/2020/01/down-down-down-energy-prices-in-the-2010s/). What does the trend in natural gas prices look like if we go further back in time?  To answer this question, we extended our look-back…

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Down, Down, Down: Energy Prices in the 2010s

By Evelyn Teel A previous blog post highlighted the shale gas revolution as arguably the most significant energy-related development of the previous decade (you can find the post here: https://avalonenergy.us/2019/12/shale-we-review-the-2010s/). In this article, we will discuss another trend that was significant in the 2010s – declining energy prices. Natural Gas Prices  One major effect of…

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In the News: Jeff Dowdell Talks CHP, Natural Gas, and More

By Evelyn Teel Avalon Energy Services Senior Energy Consultant Jeff Dowdell was the featured guest on the most recent Energy Sense Podcast. Check out the episode to learn about combined heat and power (CHP) – what it is, how it can reduce costs and improve efficiency, and how it improves resilience. Jeff also discusses the…

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Shale We Review the 2010s?

By Evelyn Teel and Jim McDonnell With the decade coming to a close, this is a perfect opportunity to look back at how the energy market has changed over the past ten years. It has certainly been a whirlwind ride, starting shortly after the 2008 stock market crash and continuing through the Great Recession and…

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